Nova Transformations

What is Psychodrama Group Therapy?


If you are interested in addiction recovery, you’ve probably seen lots of different therapies listed at various clinics. A newer therapy is called psychodrama. What is psychodrama group therapy?

This is a form of group therapy that consists of a warm-up exercise where you have an opportunity to think about personal issues followed by an opportunity to act out a story with the group from an event in your past. 

What is Psychodrama Group Therapy?

Psychodrama group therapy is a form of group therapy that came about in 1921. It was thanks to improv theater that individuals began to capitalize on the healing benefits of dramatizing past events as though they were happening right now.

When you participate in psychodrama group therapy, much like an improv class, you’ll start with a warm-up led by a qualified therapist and, from there, take turns acting out events from your past and sharing. Typically, the therapist acts like a director and guides you through exercises that use costumes and props, helping you to explore different experiences.

This type of improvisational acting is facilitated by a trained professional and can include things like an empty chair, mirroring, doubling, role reversal, and scene setting.

You may provide a supporting role in someone else’s dramatization during one session and vice versa during the next. 

What is Psychodrama Group Therapy Purpose

What is the purpose behind this type of therapy? The purpose is to help you benefit from exploring your emotions through drama. With creativity and spontaneity as the backbone of this type of group therapy, you have the opportunity to take on different roles, like a parent or a co-worker, so that you can look at yourself and your events from a different viewpoint.

When you are free to act creatively and spontaneously, outside of a regular pattern or expectation, you have the chance to grow as an individual, express emotions you might not otherwise have expressed, and experience personal growth.

Benefits of Psychodrama Group Therapy

Evidence suggests that the use of psychodrama group therapy can help treat several conditions, including substance misuse, by increasing self-awareness, improving communication, enhancing empathy, and building emotional resilience.


One benefit of participating in psychodrama group therapy is that it is a traditional group therapy that surrounds you with other people. By participating in your psychodrama with other individuals who are also experiencing addiction and recovery, you can reduce your isolation, find camaraderie, and build a community of support.

Recovery of Others

On a related note, you also have the opportunity to not just work on your own recovery but witness how other people are recovering. The more you see other participants opening up and sharing, and the more other participants play supporting roles in your acting sessions, the easier it will become for you to realize the potential of psychodrama for yourself and your group.

Emotional Improvement

When you participate in psychodrama group therapy, you will see several areas of emotional improvement.

The first area has to do with acting out your personal life experiences, as this helps you better understand some of your thoughts and behaviors related to previous events. Doing so exposes you to emotions that may have contributed to your substance misuse, which you were unaware of.

The second is fostering empathy when you get to see yourself the way others do and work with others to ease feelings of depression or shame. All of this is done in that supportive group environment.

Psychodrama Group Therapy with Nova Transformations

At Nova Transformations, our goal is to help clients transform themselves by breathing the routine of traditional treatment and incorporating more interactive psychotherapy groups. In our professional setting, clients can participate in an elevated form of clinical treatment with a redefined group therapy process.

We aim to provide hope for people in recovery by demonstrating how much fun you can have, and what things you can find to live for. Offering a new experience through our partial hospitalization programs or intensive outpatient programs, not only can clients participate in psychodrama group therapy but things like yoga, nutritional groups, weekend outings, and breathwork.

Overall, psychodrama is a profound form of group therapy where you have the opportunity to act out your experiences in order to gain deeper insight into your emotions, and behaviors. Led by our team of professionals, you will learn how to cope with your thoughts, strengthen your personal resources, and reduce feelings of shame.

Call Nova Transformations today at (704) 420-7686.

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